The Polished Barber: Men Deserve More
The Polished Barber
Teal Myers little studio inside of the Proper Suite is a sunny filled room with a beautiful ornate barber chair in the middle. This little space definitely lends to Teal’s confidence and clean haircut style.
Also known as The Polished Barber, Teal first decided as a 12 year old middle school student that becoming a barber was his goal. The barbershop down the street from his childhood home became a sanctuary. He’d sneak away from the house and spend all day with his barber. He cites this as a great influence on him. He loved that his barber saw the same men every week and was given the task of helping these men feel confident in the world outside the shop. The maintenance of these relationships was inspiring to a young Teal.
Teal believes men deserve to feel polished and good about themselves. The barbershops in Teal’s youth really only gave haircuts and at the time that was considered pampering for men. Once, when his childhood barber was booked, Teal’s father brought him to the Smart Style in Walmart where he received a hair wash with his cut. That changed his views on what a barber shop experience could be for men.
Around the age of 20, Teal met the love of his life and they went on to have their first baby. With this leap into adulthood, Teal went back to his childhood barber and said he was ready to start his career. Fourteen years later, Teal is still in the business of making men feel like they are deserving of self-care. When asked what his career goal is, he said he wants multiple shops across Louisiana, but knows that’s dream that will span a few years. His immediate goal is to inspire others the way he was.
Now, a father of 4 he lets his children practice hair cutitng skills on him. Though, he isn’t pressuring his children to be a barber, he says all of his children are naturals at what they do and he believes they’ll find the right place for themselves in this world.