TARC’s 40th Radiothon in downtown Hammond

Today marked the 40th annual Radiothon for TARC, an event dedicated to supporting individuals with special needs and disabilities. Volunteers worked tirelessly overnight, preparing 550 plates of pulled pork and coleslaw, waking before the sun to ensure that the community was well-fed. The proceeds from these meals go directly toward enhancing the lives of those in the TARC program, ensuring they have access to activities, classes, and opportunities that improve their quality of life.

TARC stands for Teach, Assist, Reach, and Connect — the four guiding pillars of this remarkable organization. Their mission is to secure resources, aid, and amenities for individuals with physical and mental disabilities, helping them engage with and become an integral part of their communities. At its core, TARC believes that everyone deserves a place in society where they can be themselves, without fear of being sidelined or overlooked.

At this year’s Radiothon, we had the privilege of meeting several TARC staff members and volunteers who shared their passion and dedication to the cause.

We had the pleasure of speaking with Carlie, Vince, and Tim, three individuals who are key to TARC’s success. Carlie, a director at TARC, has dedicated herself to social work, while Vince and Tim, both longtime volunteers, brought the kind of Southern charm and humor that’s needed in this line of work. Vince, the mastermind behind the pulled pork (with his secret BBQ sauce), has been volunteering at the Radiothon for 28 years alongside Tim. Carlie is in her fifth year of participation. Tim, ever humble, credits Vince with doing much of the heavy lifting when it comes to cooking — though Tim plays an essential role as the handyman.

The Radiothon is a unique event that showcases the work of TARC, with Tangipahoa Parish’s own radio station, Tangi 96.5, dedicating a full day to celebrating TARC’s mission. Local celebrities, including the mayor and sheriff, join in on the airwaves to encourage donations. These radio segments also feature TARC program participants, such as those from the Day Services, Home Services, and Independent Living Programs. This year, Landon and Kaitlyn shared their personal stories, speaking about how TARC has positively impacted their lives.

TARC provides a wide range of services to its community, including day outings, exercise programs, socialization opportunities, skill-building classes, and so much more. Vince shared a heartwarming story of how, after donating leftover Christmas decorations, he later returned to find them repurposed into beautiful works of art by TARC’s participants. He was amazed at what they had done with what he had originally thought was trash and said it’s easy to make an impact on people’s lives.

When asked why people should care about and support TARC, Vince’s answer was simple yet powerful: “Why shouldn’t they?” Carlie, for her part, sees her work at TARC as her true calling. She fondly recalled how her father always said she was “born a social worker,” a little girl who went out of her way to help others and make a difference in their lives.

Vince shared his experience advocating for individuals with special needs in schools many years ago. He recalled a time when children with disabilities, especially those with Down syndrome, were often sidelined. “It was a sad sight back then,” Vince said. “But things have changed so much. These kids don’t have to live like that anymore.” Vince’s favorite memories are of playing baseball with the kids, especially when they beat him.

Carlie emphasized that TARC’s services aren’t just for children; they extend to adults as well. The organization’s oldest participant, Mr. John, is 75 years old and lives a fulfilling life with his roommates. At TARC, inclusion isn’t just a philosophy — it’s a way of life, and it’s vital to the well-being of all people, regardless of age or ability.

We also had the opportunity to meet another TARC director, Miss Roshaunda, who expressed her gratitude for our visit and support in spreading awareness about the organization’s incredible work.

How You Can Get Involved

If you’d like to support TARC or collaborate with them in your downtown business, visit their website: TARC Hammond.


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